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Class 4 - Thursday 2nd April

01 Apr 2020

Good Morning Class 4

First things first this morning...we need to wish Adrian a very Happy Birthday for today! laugh We all hope you have a wonderful day with lots of cake! smiley                                                                                            

The next thing I need to do is to give you the answer for yesterday's riddle...

Forwards I am heavy, but backwards I am not. What am I?

The answer is ton (as in the weight, a ton)! Well done to all of you who got it right. laugh

A huge well done to Josh and Ella who have now also achieved their Accelerated Reader points target for this half term. yessmiley If you haven't yet met yours, you still have 2 days to do it! I also received a lot of wonderful and varied pieces of work yesterday so well done and thankyou. Keep it coming in. smiley

These are your tasks for today. Please remember that if you don't get all the tasks done each day then that is absolutely fine. Some tasks will take longer than others and if you're really enjoying a task, you may choose to spend longer on that than others which I'm perfectly happy with so please don't worry. smiley


I have decided to put this link on every day as a reminder to ensure that you get some exercise, in whatever way that might be. Exercise is so good for you and will really make you feel better. This website is being updated with new ideas all the time so please keep checking on it. 

Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go!

If you've already done lots of these then there are also some videos from a company called, 'sporting excellence' which you might like to try. Click on the link below to have a look:

Maths task:  
I have set up two games on Purple Mash for you to do today: Monster multiplication and Sequence snake. I really enjoy playing both! 

In monster multiplication, you can have as many turns as you would like. The game adapts to how you are doing, and so if you're getting lots right it will make the questions more difficult. You are timed but don't let that panic you. If you have a bad game, you can always have another go. I use the number keys on my computer to type in my answers rather than the calculator they put on the screen as I found that quicker. 
Sequence snake is my favourite! You use the arrow keys to move the snake; you are only aiming to eat the numbers that will appear in the sequence it shows you at the top. You have to get the numbers in the correct order. Feel free to have more than one go. 

Remember, you don't need to hand these games in. When you have finished them Purple Mash will send me a notification and I can view your scores and time.

 Reading task:                                                                                                                                  
For today's reading task, I would like you to complete the below reading activities. There is one for Year 5 and one for Year 6 so please choose the correct one for you. There is a piece of text for you to read about William Shakespeare (arguably the most famous playwrite, poet and actor ever). Then there is a set of questions for you to answer about the text. You should refer back to the text to help you answer the questions, and you can record your answers in your exercise book.

  -Year 5 Shakespeare questions.docx-  

  -Year 6 Shakespeare questions.docx-  


 Grammar task:

I have attached a link to two grammar word mat activity sheets. There is one for each year group and so please choose the one which is appropriate to you. You can record the answers in your exercise book and I will put the answers up tomorrow so that you can mark what you've done. 

  -Year 5 grammar 2.docx-  

  -Year 6 grammar 2.docx-  

Writing task

Today, I would like you to write a story opening. You could base it on the setting and character that you have previously written or you could write it about something else completely; it's up to you. You only need to write the first paragraph or two; I am not expecting a full story.
In the opening, your main aim is to engage the reader. You should use figurative language, punctuation, a variety of sentence openers and sentence structures to catch the reader's attention. You want the reader to want to read on.
You can write this in your exercise book or you can write it on Purple Mash. it's up to you. I have created a 2do on Purple Mash for those of you who want to type it up. 

Learning project:

This focus for this week's project is 'the area we live'.

Your learning aims to provide you with opportunities to learn more about the area in which you live. It may focus on our local area, famous people, key landmarks and links to cities. 
This afternoon, you can either carry on with the project you started yesterday or you can choose a different one to begin. I have a different activity for you to do tomorrow afternoon so this will be your last afternoon on these projects. 

An Architectural Masterpiece- ​ You can design a new building/structure to inspire the residents of our local town or city. You must research, plan, design and then make a model f it using materials from around the house. Create a criteria for success and then evaluate your model against this. 
 ● Promoting Your Local Area-​ Imagine a visitor from another country is coming to stay in Ripon or Harrogate for a week. You really need to impress them by showing them the most interesting places in our local area. Where would you take them each day? Plan the itinerary for each day detailing the transport that will be taken to each location, how long will be spent there, what will be eaten and any activities that may take place. 
Where in the World? - ​Have a look on Google Earth or Google Maps to look at the geographical features of Ripon, Aberystwyth and Perth (Australia). How are these places the same? How are these places different? What impacts the similarities and differences? After, you can then choose three different places and do the same thing. Do you notice any patterns?
 ● Places of Worship - ​Ripon Cathedral, Sawley Methodist Church, The Sikh Temple in Leeds, The Bilal Masjid Mosque in Leeds and The Leeds Hindu Mandir and  are ​all places of worship in our area. Can you order them on a timeline based on the year they were built? Why do they think some of these places were built more recently, whilst others were built many years ago? Do they think the society they live in has had an impact on this? 

 ● Rowntrees: A timeline- ​the Rowntree family had and still have a significant impact on York. You can create a timeline detailing the history of the company. You should include dates and details of significant events. How did Rowntrees impact the local area positively? How does Rowntrees impact the local area positively now? 

 ● Graffiti Art -​ Has graffiti always been seen in a positive light? How have attitudes towards graffiti changed over time? Is all graffiti good? Think about these questions and then design your own graffiti art using paper and crayons or felt tips.

I hope you all have a great day, especially you Adrian. I miss you all. 

Take care 

Mrs Barker smiley

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