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Class 4 - Thursday 7th May

05 May 2020

Good Morning Class 4 laugh

I hope you're all ok today? I'm missing you all lots.

Some good news though, as tomorrow is a bank holiday, I won't be setting any work on the class page for you. You have an extra day off. Woo hoo!smiley Mrs Acheson will be putting something on the main page about VE day if you would like an activity to do.

Did you guess the answer to my riddle yesterday?

'What is always in front of you, but can't be seen?'

The answer is 'your future'. Well done to those of you who got it right. yes I know Charlotte and Maya definitely got it right. smiley

Here are the answers to yesterday's maths activities:

  -Year 5 Maths 3 answers-V294957242.docx-  

  -Year 6 Maths 3 answers-V294957264.docx-  

Super Wednesday work yesterday. yes I was so impressed with the biographies that were written; it wasn't an easy task so very well done to all of you who invested in it and wrote one. smiley A particular mention to Ruby, Tom S, Asa and Sam for excellent writing.  

These are your tasks for today. I've done them a bit differently, and so choose the activities you want to do and as always, you can do them in any order. yes 


Have a look at the below link. There are lots of ideas for different PE type activities that you could do at home; give one a go!

Reading task:                                                                                                                                     
Reading is the most important task I put on here so please make sure you do it, even if you don't do everything else! 
Your reading task is to read for 30 minutes today. You should use your reading book for AR. Remember, when you complete a book, you can still do your AR quiz as you normally would at school. Follow the link below:
Well done to Lexi, Tom C, Joel, Sam, Jasmine, Jana, Charlotte, Asa, Josh, Tom S, Ella and Jacob who have already been quizzing. An even bigger well done to those of you who have already met your half term target. smiley          
As Friday is a Bank Holiday to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE day - the end of WW2 - I thought it would be nice to do a few activities related to it. Just choose the activities you would like to do; you can just do one or do five, I really don't mind.

VE day picnic
On VE day street parties took place all over the country to celebrate. Design a picnic with all of your favourite foods to have at your very own VE Day party.
Challenge: Give yourself a budget of £50 and use supermarket websites to calculate the cost of your picnic.

VE day party

No party is a party without some decorations and this was the case when people held their celebrations at home.
Design and create your own party decorations. They may include: bunting, flags, posters etc.

Many countries were a part of World War II. Choose a country and create a fact file about this country.
Challenge: You may choose to include current information or information about this country during the war.

During the war parachutes were used by paratroopers, some were even accompanied by dogs. Design and make your own parachute using materials from around the house. Time how long it takes for your parachute to fall to the floor. You could hold it yourself or even ask an adult to drop it from a window safely. 

WW2 medals
Medals were given by the British Government to those who participated in World War II. Design your own medal for a British Soldier to acknowledge their role in the war. Think about the shape of the medal and color of the ribbon.
Challenge: annotate your medal explaining the decisions you have made and how this relfects the significance of the war.

Make, do and mend
During WW2, there was a shortage of materials to make clothes. People were urged to, 'make, do and mend'. Do you have any clothes or accessories that you could 'upcycle' into new clothing or something completely different?


Learning project:
The focus for this week's project is 'environment'. 

The projects this week aim to provide opportunities for you to learn more about the environment. Learning may focus on changes to different environments, the impact of humans on environments, climate change etc.

Endangered Species- ​The tiger, amur leopard, orangutan, sea turtle and the sumatran elephant are some of the most endangered animals on the planet. Choose an animal from one region and describe how it has evolved to suit its habitat. Now consider how your chosen animal may need to adapt due to the current environment and human threats it faces. Create an informative leaflet about the threat the animal faces and what humans can do to minimise these threats. 

Upcycling, upcycling- Choose an item within the house that you do not really use anymore - this could be an old item of clothing, accessory or household item - and upcycle it to make a new item that you will use. Then evaluate the product and identify any areas that you could improve if you were to make it again. You may even want to write a set of instructions so that other people can upcycle the same item too. 

Protecting our Oceans- ​Marine life faces a number of threats including plastic pollution, tourism, habitat destruction, ocean warming and overfishing. How can we make a difference now? Sketch an image representing the impact society is having on today’s oceans using a drawing material material of their choice. Afterwards, you may wish to sketch an image of an ideal ocean environment. You can use websites and books to find out what makes the best environment for marine life to flourish (you could look at the Great Barrier Reef and its significance). 

Do People Intentionally Damage an Area?-
​  Imagine that a new park, housing development, restaurant or other structure is being built on green land near their home. How might this be positive for the environment? How might this be negative for the environment? Create a poster that explains the pros and cons of this new development. Consider wildlife, air and noise pollution and jobs. 

That's it for this week! Happy long weekend. smiley If you are having your own VE day celebrations over the weekend, I hope you have a really lovely time. Whatever you do, I hope you have a really lovely time.

You will hear from me again on Monday morning.

Take care. I'm sending lots of love,

Mrs Barker x


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