Class 2 - Y3 & Y4 Home Learning

Homework 22-23

24 Aug 2022

Class Three Homework

There is an expectation at Fountains that the children read regularly at home and in school. To try and encourage reading at home we are asking you to sign your child’s reading record and they will get a dojo for each time they read at home. As their confidence grows they may read to themselves and not to you but if you could sign their reading record to say when they have read this would be appreciated.
The children will be given a list of spellings to learn each week. These will consist of words which follow a rule and some common exception words. To practise these the children need to fill in practise sheet and write a sentence for each word to show they understand the meaning. The practise sheet should be filled in 5 times over the 7 days they have, we really can’t stress the importance of doing this at 5 separate times rather than just filling all 5 columns at once. If they do all the practsing in one session it may mean they get 10 in their test but means the spellings don’t transfer to long term memory and so children will often misspell these words in their everyday work.
To further assist with spellings this year we are going to trial a website called Spelling Shed where weekly spellings are added to online games. These games are an enjoyable way to help children with transferring spellings into long term memory. The children will be given their own login during the first week back and this will be an optional extra to the practice sheets.
In Class Three there is big push on ensuring the children grasp their times tables and in the summer of Year Four the children sit a government Multiplication assessment, to support them with this learning the maths homework in Class 3 will be times tables based. Each week on a Friday we will do a quick multiplication test, lasting 72 seconds where the children get 12 jumbled multiplication questions on the table they are practising. Once they get 12 out of 12 for 2 consecutive weeks they then move onto the next table.
To aid them with this we are going to use 2 methods multiples cards and  a website called TTRockstars, the children will be given their own login during the first week back. From Friday to Friday they need to complete 15 sessions, 1 session is 1 minute. They can do these in one go or ideally spread out over the week. Anyone who significantly does more than 15 will be rewarded with dojo points. If you have any problems with this or the website please speak to Miss Rogers.
The multiples cards will be sent home from school and there are so many ways you can use them to help.The cards are all the answers to the table your child is learning.You could:
- Ask your child to lay them in an arc in order and then point to each card and say e.g 1x5=5, 2x5=10,3x5=15.
- Do the same in reverse
- What comes next
- Once cards arranged parents remove some and ask which one is missing.

If you have any questions please just ask


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