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Fountains CE Primary School – School Uniform


School Uniform


Bottle green sweatshirt or cardigan (logo optional)


White or bottle green polo shirt (logo optional)


Mid or dark grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore


Green gingham dress


Grey, black or green tights


Black or white plain socks


Flat black shoes or boots



PE Uniform


Plain white t-shirt


Black or green shorts


Plain black jogging bottoms


Plain black regular or zipped up hoody


Black or white plain socks


Sensible trainers


  • Please can all clothing and footwear be clearly named.

  • No jewellery should be worn in school. If children have pierced ears, only a simple stud should be worn. Earrings must be removed or covered with tape for all PE lessons.

  • During winter months, children may be asked to bring in another pair of outdoor shoes or wellies if they wish to play on the field.

  • PE kits should be in school at all times.

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