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Today we have enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. It was great to see all the children and staff dressed up.

Thank you to those of you who were able to come in this morning to share books with the children.

As well as reading first thing this morning the whole day has been filled with book related activities, Mr Parkhouse surprised the children and shared some of the Twits with them, dressed as Mr Twit. We had a World Book Day Collective Worship where we thought about what, where and when we like to read. We heard lots of World Book Day authors top tips for reading and where they like to read. To finish Collective Worship we listened to MC Grammar's rap version of the Gruffalo.

Key Stage 2 joined together to take part in the BBC's live lesson and in this took part in the Big Read Along, which aimed to have as many children as possible reading at the same time. During the day there has been lots of time spent sharing and reading books, with both adults and children. There have also been wordsearches, puzzles and challenges involving a book theme.

This afternoon we unleashed our art skills, turning potatoes into well known book characters.

Each child has come home with a book token, which can be used to buy one of the 15 World Book Day Books, or used in part payment towards a book of their choice.

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