ICT & Computing
Our school benefits from having a set of Chromebooks, which can be accessed by children from all classes when required. Each class also has 2 ipads and several tablets, which can be used by the children.
Programming, creating media, network & systems and data & information are just some of the topics covered in our Computing curriculum. The children regularly learn about online safety and this learning is carefully planned to build on prior knowledge. The children also get the chance to use ICT in all subjects, whenever it enhances the curriculum.
We subscribe to several online resources to enhance the children’s computing skills, such as; TTRockstars and Purple Mash.
Statement of intent and implementation
Progression for Purple Mash. | Progression for Twinkl
| Progression for Online Safety |
Online safety
All computers and laptops have controlled Internet access with safeguards used to ensure no child gains access to unsuitable material. The children have their own individual usernames and passwords when using programmes online that we have subscribed to. We ensure that each half term the children spend time learning about online safety and how important it is to stay safe online.
There is a wealth of advice and help for parents and children on how to use the internet and new technologies safely and responsibly at home. Please see the Online Safety page, under the Key Info tab for links and advice for parents.
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