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This week, in Class Three we have finished our narrative writing. All of them were brilliant, we will share them with you after half term. In maths we have shone with our work on decimals.

The main focus for this week has been on art and we have been looking at landscape art. We have focused on local artist Linda Mellin. We looked at examples of her work, choosing which one we liked best and researched her life and how she creates her work. We then practised lots of different drawing and mark making techniques, evaluating each of them and thinking where in our work we might need to use each of them. Some of the techniques we looked at were; creating shades with pencils and charcoal, drawing with perspective, drawing texture and shading (hatching, blending, scuffling and cross- hatching).

Next came the planning phase, we used technology to help us remember what was at Fountains Abbey, we chose different elements of the site to practise drawing in our sketchbooks. We tried to do this in the style of Linda Mellin. As we had spent time looking at artist's sketchbooks, we were able to annotate our own designs and use our books to practise and develop the different elements.

The final stage was to create our final pieces. We carefully and lightly drew the outline of the landscape, using perspective. Once we were happy with the outline we added the different features. Then we added the detail. We made a copy of our finished outline and then began to paint using acrylic colours to keep with the bright colours Mellin used.

Once we had finished our work we evaluated how it had gone.

As well as art week we have spent time thinking about Internet Safety, it was Internet Safety Day on Tuesday. The theme for this year was Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.' After talking about the theme and what scams are and how we can protect ourselves. The children completed lots of different tasks including crosswords and wordsearches in morning task time. They created a handy 5 tip guide on how to avoid scams. The children took part in a whole school Collective Worship were we thought about and discussed lots of different points related to internet safety, including; what we use the internet for, how we access the internet, who uses the internet, what is public/private information and then we talked about how we stay safe when we are online.

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