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This week in Class 2…

In Geography this week we have been looking at the Americas. We located them on a world map and used atlases to label some of the countries. We then worked in groups to match country, flag and geographical features before using computers to check if we had matched the features correctly.  


In English, we have come to the end of our unit on persuasive writing. We have worked hard exploring the different writing techniques involved in this genre of writing and to finish, we tried to put them all together into our persuasive holiday brochure.

We revisited the audience and purpose of the text and generated success criteria through discussion. We then chose a destination and planned our writing using computers to research things to see and do there.

The next stage of writing is to edit our work which we will do next week. We will work together to help each other to make sure we have used the correct punctuation and add extra detail and make our writing even better!


In Forest school we had a bit of a change due to the stormy weather this week. We brought our activities inside. We completed lots of craft activities – we made friendship bracelets, swords, dream catchers and bird feeders. We also drew some pictures of birds too.

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