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This week in Class 2…

We have begun this half term with our DT week. Our focus for the week was to answer the question: How can we construct a castle?

On Monday, we used our prior knowledge to think about why castles were built, who lives in a castle and where were castles built. We used this knowledge to think about the purpose of a castle and then used images of different types of castles to label their features as well as the different uses of each feature.

We drew our own labelled drawings of a castle and thought about the 3D shapes we would use for the different parts. We explored the meaning of the words ‘stability’, ‘strength’ and ‘stiffness’ and how important these are in constructing a castle.

On Wednesday, we compared castle designs and discussed which would be easier to construct. We explored constructing castles using 3D shapes to see which would join together to represent the different parts. Following this, we made different 3D shapes using nets and selected the ones we would use in our own castles.

Once we had decided on the shapes that would work in our castle designs we planned our final product making sure we included the following criteria:

  • It must be strong and stable

  • It must be made from a mixture of 3D Shapes made from nets and packaging

  • It needs a flag relevant to the person or purpose

  • It must have a drawbridge

When drawing our castles, we made sure we:

  • Draw the castle as 2D shapes.

  • Label the features with the 3D shape names or junk modelling materials that will make them.

  • Include materials, colours, and additional features relevant to their chosen person/purpose.

After drawing our designs we used the computers to make our designs come to life, and had fun designing other things too!

Finally, we were ready to begin construction. We used junk materials – tubes and boxes – as starting points and constructed 3D shapes from nets to add different shapes to our models.

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