This week, class one have enjoyed art week! We have been studying the artist Lucy Pittaway so we began by researching her and her work. We found out lots of facts, including that she creates artwork mainly of the Yorkshire dales as this is where she lives. The children then enjoyed describing and critiquing her work. They were very enthuastic about this. Later in the week, we learnt some drawing skills that would help us with our final piece of work. We enjoyed learning how to draw with continuous lines, use different materials such as oil pastels and charcoal. Finally, the children created their own piece of artwork inspired by Lucy Pittaway.
Meanwhile, our reception children have been busy making a holiday house! They use the crates outside to create their own house, packed their suitcases and went away for a few days.
In PE, we have been completing a unit of gymnastics. This week we performed our routines.