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Friends of Fountains School

Our aim, as Friends of Fountains School, is to help to develop and maintain close links between the school, parents and the community.

We do this by organising a variety of fundraising events such as an annual Christmas Fair, movie nights, Friday tuck shop, quiz nights and discos. Friends of Fountains have raised significant amounts of money to contribute to things such as, the new trim trail on the playground, new ICT equipment, Reading books, the Accelerated Reader Scheme, School trips and visitors into school.

All parents/carers are invited to join Friends of Fountains, we always welcome new ideas and a helping hand to organise our varied events. We hold committee meetings every term, usually at school and we have a Friends of Fountains Facebook page to post reminders about events. If you’d like to join us, or find out more, please contact one of the team below. We look forward to welcoming you at future events/meetings and thank you for your support to date.

Parent and Teachers Association - Registered Charity No: 1098811

The Friends of Fountains 2024/2025 Committee

Chair – Emma Terry    

Treasurer – Leanne Fox 

Secretary – Emma Sharp

Minutes from meetings

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